Key Stage 5

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business

Here are NUSA we offer the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business as part of our NUSA16 post 16 provision. This course is equivalent to three A-Levels and offers a route to higher education.

Why choose BTEC?

"With a track record built over 30 years of learner success, BTEC Nationals are widely recognised by industry and higher education as the signature vocational qualification at Level 3. They provide progression to the workplace either directly or via study at a higher level. Proof comes from YouGov research, which shows that 62% of large companies have recruited employees with BTEC qualifications. What’s more, well over 100,000 BTEC students apply to UK universities every year and their BTEC Nationals are accepted by over 150 UK universities and higher education institutes for relevant degree programmes either on their own or in combination with A Levels.

BTECs embody a fundamentally learner-centred approach to the curriculum, with a flexible, unit-based structure and knowledge applied in project-based assessments. They focus on the holistic development of the practical, interpersonal and thinking skills required to be able to succeed in employment and higher education." Pearson 2016

We feel the best way to learn about business is through experiencing it first hand. Our BTEC Business course offers pupils the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and experience in a wide variety of contexts which include planning and running events, creating recruitment documentation, responding to customer service scenarios, and advising businesses on decision making.

What will I study?

This qualification gives learners experience of the breadth and depth of the sector that will prepare them for further study or training. The curriculum covers the following content areas:

  • business environments
  • finance
  • marketing
  • international business
  • management
  • human resources
  • accounting
  • financial services
  • marketing
  • law
  • retail.

How is the course assessed?

The course is both internally and externally assessed.

There are four externally assessed units in the course:

  • Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign
  • Unit 3 Personal and Business Finance
  • Unit 6 Principles of Management
  • Unit 7 Business Decision Making.

These units account for 42% of the course in total.

The internally assessed units comprise of written reports, carrying out projects, or demonstrating practical and technical skills using appropriate presentations and role plays.

January 2025


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