
Peer on peer abuse

Peer on Peer abuse is not accepted at NUSA. Click here to view our policy.

The Anti Bullying Alliance defines bullying as;

the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.

Bullying can include:

  • Physical (hitting, kicking, taking another’s belongings)
  • Verbal (name calling, insulting, making offensive remarks)
  • Indirect (spreading rumours, excluding from social groups, cyber bullying via sending malicious e-mails or text messages)

Bullying can be an attack on a group to which an individual may belong. At NOVA Trust schools, in accordance to the Equal Opportunities Policy, we will pay particular attention to any form of bullying involving:

  • Race
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender
  • Religion
  • EAL
  • Disability and Special Educational Needs
  • Looked After children

Reporting, responding and recording incidents

It is important that incidents of alleged bullying are reported immediately so that appropriate action can be taken by the school in supporting all parties involved. If the incident is deemed not to be bullying, it will still be considered serious and therefore dealt with under the Behaviour Policy.

Parents, students and staff are encouraged to report any concerns relating to bullying directly to the bullying team via the email: bullying@nusa.org.uk

Pupils who have been bullied or have witnessed others being bullied should ideally report the incident to a member of staff, as soon as possible. The bullying team will investigate the allegation in order to reach resolution. See below the bullying procedure below:

At Nottingham University Samworth Academy we aim to create a positive learning environment where pupils take responsibility for their own and each other’s well-being. For example;

Curriculum opportunities in class are used to raise awareness about bullying and our anti-bullying policy, create an anti-bullying ethos and encourage pupils to manage their relationships positively with others.

We use the SMSC and British Values programme to develop social and emotional skills such as empathy and the management of feelings, thereby providing continuity from primary to secondary education.

Assemblies and student briefings are also used to promote awareness of the negative consequences of bullying.

Working in partnership with the Anti Bullying Alliance, NUSA participate in Anti-Bullying week events in November each year.

Coming soon: NUSA Anti-Bullying ambassadors - Supported by HRH The Duke of Cambridge and The Diana Award. The Anti Bullying Ambassador programme provides training to equip students with the tools needed to change the attitudes, behaviour and culture of bullying to create a kinder school community.

October 2024


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