Uniform and Equipment

Where can I buy the NUSA uniform?

Our suppliers are Academy School Uniforms and you are able to purchase NUSA uniform via the online shop. You must register an account and once your orders is placed you will have the option for delivery to either your home/work address or to the school. They also have a shop for you to visit in Arnold, 12 High Street, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 7DZ.

We do keep a limited supply of blazers, ties, jumpers and PE items in school. We advise parents in the first instance to order via the online shop or to visit their store in Arnold; however, for urgent uniform requirements, or if the size you require is not in stock online, please inquire in school as we may have your items available.

Help with the cost of uniform

Families of children in Yr 7 who are on roll on 1st September and eligible for Free School Meals will receive support with the purchase of school uniform. For further information please call school on 0115 9291492.

What do I need to bring to school?

All students must have a bag / rucksack large enough to fit an A4 folder in as well as PE Kit. Pupils will be issued with a folder to keep essential daily information such as their timetable, key contacts, homework sheets and letters home.

Pupils should use the BROMCOM app to ensure that they are prepared and ready for their day at school. The app will have their timetable, behaviour information, attendance information and contact from school.

Students need to be fully prepared for the day ahead. All students must have the following essential items of equipment in school every single day:

  • 1pens
  • 1 pencil
  • 1 ruler

Students may also choose to bring:

  • Clear plastic pencil case
  • Highlighters
  • A calculator
  • Glue
  • Rubber
  • Pencil crayons
  • A compass
  • Felt tips

Students can purchase all equipment items from the student leaders prior to school.

Uniform expectations

Students must attend the Academy at all times in full school uniform. This includes clothing, footwear, hair, make up and jewellery.. The following clothing must be worn by students and internally labelled with their name:

Academy Uniform

  • School Blazer - Academy blazer only.
  • School Tie - Academy tie only – to be worn at all times.
  • Trousers Black school trousers.
  • Skirt: Academy skirt only - includes NUSA logo and can only be purchased from the NUSA Uniform Shop
  • Shirt White formal collared shirt (with top button fastened).
  • Jumper Plain black v-neck (optional) – long sleeves / sleeveless.
  • Shoes Plain black school shoes with a maximum heel of 5cm and sole thickness of 2cm.
  • Socks/Tights Either black socks for boys/girls or tights in neutral or plain black for girls.
  • Coat Sensible, dark coat with no external stripes, text or logos.
  • Jewellery Plain silver or gold studs may be work as a single matching pair only, with one stud in each ear lobe. One plain gold or silver ring may be worn. Chains and any other visible body piercing are not allowed.
  • For nose piercings students should wear a clear plastic stud.
  • All Jewellery must be removed for PE for health and safety reasons.
  • Hairstyles No extremes of hairstyle are permitted except on religious or cultural grounds (this refers to both style and colour). We would ask that students do not come to school with hair dyed to colours which are not natural.
  • Make-up Any make-up worn must be natural and discreet. Bright colours or too much make-up will be asked to be removed, as it is not appropriate for school
  • Nails For health and safety reasons finger nails should be kept short at all times and the wearing of acrylic nails or extensions is not permitted.

Clothing that is NOT permitted

  • Boots, boot-style shoes, suede shoes, stiletto heels, sling back shoes and trainers
  • Skirts that are not purchased from the NUSA Uniform Shop
  • Hooded tops and sweatshirts
  • Sports caps, bandanas or any other patterned or designer hat
  • Patterned tights

Incorrect Uniform Process

At NUSA, we expect 100% of our students to be in full uniform. To ensure this, any students that are wearing incorrect uniform they will borrow the correct item of uniform from our uniform shop.

Students uniform is checked at the start of day during line up by their tutor and Head of Year for Year 7 – 10.

Year 11 do not line up, as they are role models for all other students, as such they are expected to be in full uniform at all times.

Students that are not wearing full and correct uniform will be escorted to the uniform shop, to exchange an item for the correct uniform. For example, black trainers will be handed in and black school shoes given. If a piece of clothing can’t be removed, other items can be given as a deposit instead, such as a locker key, mobile phone or other personal belongings. All deposits are locked away in a locker. Students will then change into full uniform, a suitable changing space is provided for this.

Any students refusing to borrow the correct uniform will spend the day in isolation. Parents will be contacted by their Head of Year to resolve. For students that persistently refuse to borrow uniform, an escalation of sanctions will take place, which could ultimately lead to suspension.

At the end of the school day, students that have borrowed uniform must then return to the shop and hand in borrowed items and collect their deposited item, as above.

Sports Clothing REQUIREMENTS


  • Shirt Academy rugby shirt
  • Polo Shirt Academy polo shirt
  • Shorts Plain black shorts
  • Socks Knee length plain black football socks
  • Footwear Trainers
  • Studded Football boots (boys)
  • Shin Pads Boys and Girls


  • Gum Shield Boys and girls
  • Tracksuit Academy tracksuit
  • Girls Fleece
  • Studded football boots (girls)
  • Base layer Plain black

October 2024


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