Focused Provision News

Welcome to the news and events page. Here you will find out what we have been up to within the FPU.

June 2022

Year 10 Work Experience.

Our lovely FPU pupils were lucky enough to all have a week of work experience in their chosen area. This ranged from shop work. to farm work, catering to childcare. All the pupils gained so much experience and confidence as they took thier first steps into the world of work!

2nd May - 6th May

Deaf Awareness Week.

This week we have been promoting Deaf Awareness around our school.

During our FPU assembly, pupils did not nominate each other for kind acts and hard work, but instead nominated teachers that had behaved in a deaf aware way while teaching them! It was lovely to see so many nominations, and we will have great fun handing out the certificates to staff next week!

Our amazing student ambassadors have also been leading assemblies this week explaining to the school how they can improve their deaf awareness! Bravo girls!

And to top it off, we have a display set up outside the FPU where pupils can take sheets to help them learn some basic sign language and look up how to sign words to the deaf friends!

18th March 2022

BSL Act Now!

Here at NUSA we have supported the BSL Act Now! Campaign. All this week we have been celebrating the beautiful language that is BSL with the entire school and today we finished by holding our own rally on the bridge.

Check out the photos below of our pupils learning BSL and joining together to campaign as a united force!

Preparing for the rally.

All ready for our rally!

December 2021

This month we all headed out to Bracebridge Drive to learn about the world of work. We met lots of different people and talked to them about their jobs; the responsibilities, personal qualities and skills needed to do the job.

We also joined the local library to practice filling in forms and took the chance to enjoy some good books!

Finally we all headed to a local cafe to enjoy Christmas dinner together! We shared Christmas cards, pulled crackers and chatted together. It was lovely! the perfect way to end the year!

November 2021

This month we have been celebrating Anti Bullying Week by wearing odd socks. This reminds us that everyone is different, and that is a GOOD thing! Check out our Twitter page to see our odd socks!

Hear Together are also holding a Christmas party at the local deaf club in Nottingham. This will be a great way for us to meet old friends and make new friends. It will also be a lovely way to support the Hear Together charity and a chance to visit the local deaf club.

September 2021

Welcome back everyone! We are very excited to have all of our FPU students back this week.

This month we also have another exciting Hear Together Teenz event - but this was is face to face - not online! Yay! Please see the poster details below, or click on Hear Together to go directly to their website.

June 2021

This is the month that we say goodbye to our lovely year 11 students and wish them all the best as they start the next part of their education! Good Luck!

This month we also have another exciting Hear Together Zoom Meeting. See the poster below for full details!

May 2021

The deaf charity Hear Together are hosting another online event for deaf teenagers. It will be an opportunity to met deaf young people from across Europe, so a very exciting opportunity! There will be BSL interpreters as well as spoken language interpreters! Check out the poster below to get involved!

During the month of May we will be celebrating Deaf Awareness Week! All week we are encouraging teachers and pupils to be even more Deaf Aware than ever, especially at a time when so many people have to wear masks. Do you have any top tips to be more Deaf Aware?

Why not check out the advice on the new Hear Together website? Or have a look at the NDCS webpages where they have launched a new website for Deaf Teenagers?

May is also the month of Eid. Watch the video below to learn how and why Eid is celebrated!

April 2021

The charity Hear Together is hosting an online Zoom event for kids aged 11 - 18. Please see the flyer below to email them on and book a place. This will be an exciting event because Hear Together are inviting deaf kids from all over the world to join!

Welcome to April; the month where the clocks go forwards an hour, the Spring season begins and we celebrate Easter.

March 2021

Year 9 Options.

For those of you that will be doing your KS4 options in the Focused Provision, here is a video to recap the choices that you will have. You will need to rank your choices from 1 to 4 and you need to know by the end of the Easter holidays.

March is the month of Mothering Sunday, so think about the special person in your life that helps you and is always there for you. It may be your mum, your gran, and aunt or even a neighbour. It doesn't matter! But do something special for them on Mothering Sunday. Maybe make them a card, pick some flowers, make them a cup of tea or just tell them that you care about them!

February 2021

Hear Together is organizing 3 evenings of fun and entertainment for everyone to join. This is a great opportunity to meet up with old friends, and to make new friends. If you are interested, you can email to book a place on the Zoom call.

It's February - the month that includes Valentines Day (February 14th) and Pancake Day (February 16th) Learn about Pancake Day, and why we eat Pancakes.

February competition!

Let's see your pancakes with your favorite toppings! Take a photo of you making your pancake with your favorite toppings, and then we will vote to see whose toppings everyone likes best!

January 2021

Welcome to the New Year! In this month's video, find out all about New Year Resolutions. What are they and why do we make them?

Background images designed by

December 2020

The Christmas Story.

Watch our monthly news video to learn about the Christmas Story and what some people do to celebrate Christmas.

With Christmas approaching, and families gathering together, some deaf children can really struggle to keep up with the conversation. The Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID) have produced a Christmas game that will help everyone to feel included in the conversation. To order your own version of the game you can click on the link below. They simply ask for a donation that will go towards supporting deaf people across the UK.

RNID Christmas Game

Hear Together is also hosting another ZOOM event for deaf teenagers. Please see the poster below for full details of how to join! the last session was a great success with 25 deaf teenagers joining. Don;t miss out on the Christmas fun. It's a great chance to see old friends and to meet new ones :)

November 2020.

The National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS) want to find out about how Corona Virus has affected you. Check out their webpages to see what you can learn.


Children In Need 2020

This year for Children in Need all the staff have been asked to create a lip sync (singing along to our favorite songs) to raise money for Children In Need. The FPU staff made this video! We hope it will help people to realise how hard it can be to lipread when you can't see their lips. Hope you enjoy the video!

Music credit: Queen. I want to break free.

Tonight is Bonfire Night!

Learn why we celebrate Bonfire Night - but remember to stay stay safe!

Background images designed by Freepik

October 2020

This month we will learn all about Halloween and why we celebrate it!

Background image designed by Freepik

Also, this October, the local charity Hear Together will be organising another online get together for deaf Young people. See the poster below for details.

September 2020

February 2025


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