Welcome to Careers

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Our Careers Programme

Our Careers programme runs from Year 7 to Year 13 and prepares students well for life after they leave the school. It has been designed to align with the eight Gatsby Benchmarks which have been recognised by the government as outlining the requirements of an excellent careers programme.

Students have many encounters with employers and learn about the different careers and the various routes into these careers. It helps students to find the careers that suit them and prepare them to follow their desired path. Students learn about the different work sectors and are taught to challenge the various stereotypes and discrimination that exists in the world of work. Students learn how to take responsibility for their own career by planning for the future. They learn how to create an effective CV and learn useful skills such as developing a professional and successful interview technique. The programme supports pupils through each of the transitions they face such as choosing Year 9 options and deciding what to do after Year 11 and after Year 13.

Our Careers programme is comprised of the following:

Students receive individual impartial advice from our Level 6 qualified Careers advisor who has been commissioned from Ideas4Careers. Impartial and independent advice is given to students in accordance with the Statutory Guidance for Schools (Jan 18) and Guidance for Colleges and Sixth Forms (Feb 18). It is organised and delivered in accordance with the Gatsby benchmarks and Compass tool. All students receive a one to one meeting in Year 11 and also in 6th Form

Students identified as requiring an extra meeting are seen again. Students in any year can be referred for a Careers meeting. Any requests to see the Careers advisor should be made directly to the appropriate Pastoral team.

The Careers advisor is also present at the Parents’ Evenings for Years 9-13 as well as results day for Year 11 and 13.

Careers lessons take place during the PSHE Curriculum. Each lesson focus is matched at KS3 and at KS4 with the CDI (Careers Development Institute) framework for careers, employability and enterprise education and in line with Gatsby Benchmarks. Students will look at LORCID employability skills – leadership; organisation; resilience; communication; initiative and digital awareness.

All students set up a profile on the Unifrog website which they use to help them to find the right career path.

Students have encounters with employers each year through talks from guest speakers in assemblies in Years 7-13 and our annual Careers Fair.

Students have a Careers day in Year 11, and again in Sixth Form, in which they will hear from external speakers and employers and carry out various careers related activities throughout the day, including a Mock Interview and Feedback.

Students across all Year groups have contact with employers and further education through various school trips and guest speakers visiting lessons.

Students participate in themed weeks during form time and assembly including apprenticeship week and carers week.

Students participate in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) activities in school which explores the jobs available and highlights the problem of the lack of women in this work sector.

There is a Sixth Form Form Taster Day in Year 11, where students will be able to attend Key Stage 5 style lessons to get a feel of what it would be like to study in a Sixth Form.

Our Careers programme is evaluated every year. The next evaluation will take place in July 2023, with a review against Gatsby Benchmarks every half term. We will review what is working well and will identify areas that require further development so that we can continue to improve our practice and further strengthen our Careers programme. A termly Key Performance Indicator Careers report is created and shared with governors.

We review all feedback from:

  • Year 13 and Year 11 destination data
  • Questionnaires completed by students, staff and parents
  • Student voice
  • Evaluation with our careers advisor
  • Evaluation of work experience

If you explore this Careers section of our website you will find lots of information, websites, videos and other resources to help you to find out how we support all students to find their own paths and prepare for their futures.

October 2024


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