Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information (LMI) includes reports, studies, statistics and other information about:

  • What skills and qualifications do you need for a specific job?
  • How much can you earn in a job?
  • Which employers are doing well?
  • Which job sectors are growing?
  • Which jobs need more people right now?
  • Which jobs are in short demand?
  • How many people are currently working in a specific job?
  • How many people are likely to be working in that job in the future?
  • Which jobs have a higher percentage of men or women?
  • What routes did workers take to qualify for their careers?

Information on the regional and local areas of employment

Growth areas, jobs opportunities, employment trends and developing job markets

Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) is data taken directly from employers to reveal what skills are most in-demand in the workplace, which occupations are becoming less in demand, the overall condition of the workplace, and other vital information. That data is then analysed and interpreted before being presented to the public in a variety of forms.

Organisations such as D2N2 use LMI to help education providers offer the right courses to learners that teach the skills employers need, to help learners decide what employment roles they’d like to move into via careers advice, and to highlight to the government what trends are affecting the workplace such as automation.

Careers Hubs

Providing high quality careers education involves bringing lots of organisations together in a focussed and co-ordinated way for young people. Across England we do this through our Careers Hubs spread locally across the country. Read more about how we bring together businesses, apprenticeship and in-work training providers with schools and colleges to help every young person to find their best next step.

You can investigate LMI both nationally and locally using the following websites: Log in to your Unifrog account to find LMI for specific jobs. You will be shown how to set up an account in Year 7

Careers in Health Care

This NHS Careers website gives lots of useful labour market information about the many different careers in health care:

October 2024


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