Web Links

Use the links below to visit our favourite sites. Use the link in the 'Related Downloads' panel to view or download a PDF version of this list which you can then either save or print out for future reference.

Year 7 History

History skills -ChronologyChronology of the History of Britain
More about ChronologyOn-line lesson about Chronology
How to use historical evidenceIn depth account about historical evidence
NUSA topics extra informationResources, games, power-points etc
Medieval life - Gifted and Talented siteVery comprehensive information
The Norman Conquesthttp://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/histor...
Norman Conquest and Castleshttp://www.english-heritage.org.uk/learn...
Thomas Beckethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtJX0430...
The Tudorshttp://tudorhistory.org/

Year 8 History

The Tudors in the age of discoveryLife at sea from the city of Hull
Queen Elizabeth and portraitsWhat was Queen Elizabeth really like?
Enslaved people of the AmericasAfrican slavery linked to Bristol city
English Civil WarsIt all began in Nottingham - watch and listen!
The Industrial Revolutionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMV3E7wb...
The Titanichttp://www.bbc.co.uk/history/titanic
World War Ihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2DLybNY...
Women's Rightshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesiz...
World War IIhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/z9...

Year 9 History

The Great War - was it?Comprehensive information to research
How did Hitler get into power?Detailed activities about Hitler
Topics taught in year 9 at NUSALessons, games, activities and research
For beginners to expertsLetters, photos, maps, facts, context and so much more
Medicine In Timehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtZNM5bn...
The Norman Conquesthttp://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/histor...

Year 10 History

BBC bitesize GCSE History topicsRevision activities, tests and short videos
Medicine Through TimeWebsites, links and in depth learning opportunities
GCSE History topics and activitiesA selection of relevent learning experiences
Brief history of Nottingham CastleCoursework topic - How important was Nottingham castle?
Even more details about the castleRead and scroll down for lots of links about this topic
Nazi Germanyhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesiz...

Year 11 History

Revision websites and materials for our main topicsScroll down to see the number of topics
Exam board with past exam papers and mark schemesWebsite for teachers, but useful for past papers and mark schemes
Practice source skills analysisFor students who are aiming for a grade A-A*- useful for all grades also.
20 Mark exam question revision and practiceScroll through the 6 pages and follow the instructions
AQA Websitehttp://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/history/g...

AS/A Level History

Keep your eyes peeled to find out what we are offering at NUSAShould we choose this specification?
What is the difference between GCSE and A Level History?A newspaper article about the step up to A Level

Year 7 Geography

What is Geography?National Geographic site for kids!
Transition from primary to secondary topicsBBC Geography website
Geography topics taught from age 11 to 16BBC Geography website
Geography puzzles and quizesLearn about the world and test yourself
Fun way of learning about map readingGames and activities from the BBC
Map-zone websiteGames, animations, quizes and videos

Year 8 Geography

Are you a weather whizz-kid?Find out about all extreme types of weather and climate
Find out about endangered wildlifeIf you like finding out about animals and their habitats
Which country has the highest and lowest population?Fascinating website to learn more about the world
Risky Worldhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zn...

Year 9 Geography

Which is stronger rock or ice?All about glaciers and how they have shaped our landscape
How will we protect our coastline?Lots of videos about our disappearing coast
Why do people live where they do?Find out more about settlements

Year 10 Geography

List of useful Geography websitesLinks to many subjects and topics
GCSE Geography specificationTopics, past papers and guidance
Why do people live in the path of volcanoes and earthquakes?Revision notes for natural hazards
What do we learn from population pyramids?Population pyramids and structures
Resources for GeographyCase studies and revision materials

Year 11 Geography

Rivers, coasts and revision notesHelp and support for students' revision
Case study about uneven economic development in BrazilReally useful case study to compare and contrast
Natural Hazardshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesiz...

AS/A Level Geography

Why study Geography at A Level?Information to help students decide about future study in Geography
Why was the Philippines typhoon so devastating?An example of A Level Geography topics

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