Online Letters

25th November 2022

Weekly Update 25/11/22

Dear Parents/Carers,

At NUSA this week:

This week we held an interview day for our Year 11 students, alongside issuing them with their mock results from the recent exam series. It was so wonderful to see so many students dressed up for the interview day and taking the process so seriously. They really are a credit to you.

On Wednesday we held our first SEND drop in session for parents. We will continue to hold these sessions over the course of the next year. The dates for the next sessions are as follows:

Wednesday 7th December

Wednesday 18th January

If you would like to book a slot at the events above, please contact reception via telephone or use our

Just a reminder that over the next few weeks, we will be reducing our sales of water bottles in the canteen. The cost of water bottles have increased significantly and it is far better value for our students to have a desert with their meal, rather than a drink of water that they can get for free from our water stations. Please encourage your child to bring a water bottle in to school each day.

Coming up at NUSA:

On Tuesday 29th November, we will be holding a Winter Fair to raise money for our Prom Committee. For a donation of £1, all students can wear non-school uniform.

On Thursday 8th December, it is Christmas Jumper day for Save the Children. We know that money is tight for people at present, therefore, we will not fundraise, however, students can wear a Christmas jumper over their school shirt if they wish.

Christmas dinner – we will be holding our annual Christmas dinner on Wednesday 14th December 2022. This will be opportunity for students to purchase a Christmas dinner for lunch if they wish. All free school meal students will be entitled to a Christmas dinner as part of their free school meal allocation.

Christmas trips – we will be holding our annual Christmas trips on Thursday 15th December. Students have had letters about this already. Please note the deadline for payment is Friday 2nd December 2022.

On Friday 16th December, we will finish school for the Christmas holidays at 12pm. All students will leave the school site at 12pm. Any student who is entitled to Free School Meals will be able to pick up a lunch to take home should they wish.


As this term has progressed, and children have grown (or in some cases lost things), we have seen an increase in the number of students in incorrect uniform. Some of these issues are easily remedied and do not cost any money. For example, students should not wear hoodies to school. They will be asked to remove these as they enter school until the end of the school day. However, we know that some of the issues require a cost. If you are struggling with getting uniform for your child, meaning that they will be in incorrect uniform for a period of time, please get in touch with us so that we can see if we can help. After Christmas we will be setting up a second half uniform shop which we hope will help people out with purchasing uniform.



As per the School Admissions Code, NUSA is required to consult on our admissions arrangements at least once every 7 years. Every year schools and academies are also required to review their admission arrangements. The aim is to ensure that the arrangements continue to be appropriate, and that they comply with all the relevant requirements.


It has been agreed that Nottingham University Samworth Academy which is part of the NOVA Education Trust would consult on the existing admission arrangements.


The one proposed change surrounds oversubscription criteria in the admissions policy, you can see the proposed admissions arrangements in full by clicking here. This criterion would read “Priority will next be given to children of staff who work for the Nova Education Trust, in either of the following circumstances: a. The member of staff has been employed by the Trust for 2 or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, or b. The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage”. This proposed change would take effect from the beginning of the academic year 2024.


The consultation will run from 24th November 2022 – 8th January 2023 (just over 6 weeks). Parents and Carers are particularly welcome to comment on the proposed change to the admission arrangements for 2024/25.


Please send your comments, relating to the consultation and changes in the section of the admission criteria detailed above, to Anna Walsh at Responses will be considered with the final published admissions arrangements published by the 28th February.

Safeguarding corner:

Last week, I wrote about our work as a school for Anti-Bullying week. Whilst we can manage any bullying situations that arise in school, we need your help as parents/carers when it comes to any bullying that a child may be experiencing online. We obviously don’t have access to the plethora of social media accounts that exist for our children, but we know that as parents/carers, you take the opportunity to check your child’s phone to ensure they are staying safe online. If you ever see or hear something from your child, that makes you concerned for another child in the class, year or school, please let us know as we can then look to get to the bottom of any issues in school.

The NSPCC is a great source of advice and guidance for parents/carers regarding social media use:

We will continue our work in school on online safety, but would be really grateful if you could help support us at home too.

Have a lovely weekend,

Emma Howard

Letter to Parents 17.01.2025Published 17/01/2025 Letter to Parents 10.01.2025Published 10/01/2025 Year 11 CountdownPublished 13/12/2024 Setting Year 9Published 12/12/2024 Letter to Parents 10.12.2024Published 10/12/2024 Letter to ParentsPublished 29/11/2024 Weekly Newsletter 15.11.2024Published 15/11/2024 Year 7 Progress EveningPublished 28/10/2024 Letters to parents 25.10.2024Published 25/10/2024 Letter to Parents 18.10/2024Published 18/10/2024 Letters to parents 04.10.2024Published 04/10/2024 Weekly Newsletter 20.09.2024Published 20/09/2024 Letters to parents 12.09.2024Published 12/09/2024 Weekly Newsletter 02.09.2024Published 06/09/2024 End of Summer Term NewsletterPublished 24/07/2024 Weekly Newsletter 19.07.2024Published 19/07/2024 Kooth Summer SupportPublished 19/07/2024 Weekly Letter 12/07/2024Published 12/07/2024 Weekly Letter 04.07.2024Published 05/07/2024 Weekly Letter 28/06/2024Published 28/06/2024 Weekly Newsletter 21.06.2024Published 21/06/2024 Weekly Letter 14.06.2024Published 14/06/2024 Weekly Letter 07062024Published 07/06/2024 Weekly Letter 24/05/2024Published 24/05/2024 Year 11 Exams updatePublished 20/05/2024 Weekly Letter 17.05.2024Published 17/05/2024 Weekly Letter 10/05/2024Published 10/05/2024 Year 8 Parents EveningPublished 09/05/2024 Weekly Letter 26/04/2024Published 26/04/2024 Weekly Letter 19/04/2024Published 19/04/2024 Letter for all parents 28.03.2024Published 28/03/2024 Weekly Letter 22.03.24Published 22/03/2024 Weekly Letter 15/03/2024Published 15/03/2024 Weekly Letter 08/03/2024Published 08/03/2024 Weekly Letter 01/03/2024Published 01/03/2024 Weekly Letter 23/02/2024Published 23/02/2024 Weekly Letter 09/02/2024Published 09/02/2024 Weekly Letter 29.01.24Published 02/02/2024 Weekly Letter 26.01.24Published 26/01/2024 Weekly Letter 19.01.24Published 19/01/2024 Weekly Letter 10/12/2023Published 15/12/2023 Weekly Letter 04/12/2023Published 08/12/2023 Weekly Letter 27/11/2023Published 01/12/2023 Ltr to Parents 20Nov23Published 24/11/2023 Letter to all Parents 13.11.23Published 17/11/2023 Ltr to All Parents101123Published 10/11/2023 Year 7 Parent's Evening 16/11/2023Published 09/11/2023 Weekly Letter 23/10/2023Published 27/10/2023 Ltr from HT Y11 231023Published 24/10/2023 Year 11 LetterPublished 24/10/2023 Weekly Letter 16.10.23Published 20/10/2023 Weekly Letter 13/10/2023Published 13/10/2023 Weekly letter 06.10.23Published 06/10/2023 Weekly Letter 29.09.23Published 29/09/2023 Weekly Letter 22.09.23Published 22/09/2023 Enrichment Opt-out LetterPublished 18/09/2023 Weekly Letter 15.09.23Published 15/09/2023 Weekly Letter 08.09.23Published 08/09/2023 PSHE Letter to ParentsPublished 05/09/2023 Letter to All Parents Return to SchoolPublished 01/09/2023 Weekly Letter 17.07.23Published 21/07/2023 Year 9 to 10 Moving UpPublished 20/07/2023 Year 10 to 11 Moving UpPublished 20/07/2023 Year 8 to 9 Moving UpPublished 20/07/2023 Letter to parents 10Jul23Published 14/07/2023 Letter for all parents 03.07.23Published 07/07/2023 Weekly Letter 260623Published 30/06/2023 Letter to Year 7 ParentsPublished 16/06/2023 Ltr to Parents 110623Published 16/06/2023 Work Experience Letter to Year 12 ParentsPublished 09/06/2023 Weekly Letter 09.06.23Published 09/06/2023 NUSA HPV Year 8 InformationPublished 07/06/2023 Ltr to Parents 260523Published 26/05/2023 Weekly Letter 15.05.23Published 19/05/2023 Weekly Letter 08.05.23Published 12/05/2023 Weekly Letter 010523Published 05/05/2023 Ivan Shaw Holocaust SurvivorPublished 03/05/2023 Weekly Letter 24.04.2023Published 28/04/2023 Ltr to Parents 21 April 23Published 21/04/2023 Weekly Letter 27 March 2023Published 31/03/2023 Year 7 Pupil Progress EveningPublished 27/03/2023 Weekly Letter 20.03.2023Published 24/03/2023 Weekly Letter 13.03.2023Published 17/03/2023 Weekly Letter 08.05.23Published 12/03/2023 Weekly Letter - 06.03.2023Published 10/03/2023 Parents newsletterPublished 07/03/2023 Weekly letter 27.02.2023Published 03/03/2023 Weekly Letter - 27.02.2023Published 03/03/2023 Letter to Year 10 Parents - DTP VaccinationsPublished 28/02/2023 Weekly Letter - 20.02.2023Published 24/02/2023 Weekly Letter - 06.02.2023Published 10/02/2023 Weekly Letter - 30.01.2023Published 03/02/2023 Strike Action LetterPublished 24/01/2023 Weekly Update 23/01/2023Published 23/01/2023 Weekly update 20.01.2023Published 20/01/2023 Weekly update 13.01.2023Published 13/01/2023 Weekly updatePublished 09/12/2022 Weekly Update 02/12/2022Published 02/12/2022 Weekly Update 25/11/22Published 25/11/2022 Weekly Update 18.11.2022Published 18/11/2022 Sixth Form Parents Evening LetterPublished 16/11/2022 Careers Event Y11Published 14/11/2022 Y8 Parents EveningPublished 31/10/2022 Weekly Update 17/10/2022Published 21/10/2022 Top Tips for Parents SPARX Maths HomeworkPublished 22/09/2022 Letter to ParentsPublished 13/09/2022 Reading LetterPublished 13/09/2022 Letter to All ParentsPublished 12/09/2022 School Dinner Price CostsPublished 05/09/2022 Re Welcome BackPublished 02/09/2022 Moving up letter - Year 9 to Year 10Published 25/07/2022 Moving up Letter - Year 12 - 13Published 25/07/2022 Letter to all Parents and CarersPublished 22/07/2022 Moving Up Letter Year 8 to 9Published 19/07/2022 Moving Up Year 7 to 8Published 19/07/2022 Letter to Parents and Carer'sPublished 23/06/2022 Year 11 Leaver LtrPublished 20/06/2022 Year 8 ImmunisationPublished 17/06/2022 Letter to Parents and Carer'sPublished 27/05/2022 Letter to Parents and CarersPublished 29/04/2022 Celebrate Individuality DayPublished 26/04/2022 Book Choice LetterPublished 31/03/2022 Letter to all parents/carersPublished 09/03/2022 Book Fair LetterPublished 09/03/2022 Letter to Year 10 and 9 Students Regarding VaccinationsPublished 08/03/2022 Y9 Pathway LetterPublished 08/03/2022 Kickboard LetterPublished 24/02/2022

January 2025


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